What can the non-verbal communications from Senators Obama and Clinton tell us about the debate last night? 

Overall, they performed well.  They are two consummate professionals who waited respectfully while the other was talking, said their own bits with minimal fuss, and generally played nice.  They were trying hard to get along, and mostly they did.  Their non-verbal cues suggest that Obama is a big-picture thinker, impatient with details, and Clinton is a manager who loves to get down in the weeds of policy.  Of course, their verbal messages say that too.    

But there were a few revealing moments.  When Senator Obama responded to the question about a "dream team" of the two of them as President and Veep, Senator Clinton listened hard, turning directly toward him for the first and only time that evening.  When he refused to rule out the idea of the joint ticket, saying it was premature and presumptuous, she visibly relaxed, then moved toward him very slightly as he continued to answer.

Conclusion:  the Clinton camp HAS thought about asking Obama to be the V-P, and it’s still on the table.  Depending, of course, on how things go.  You heard it here first.

When the debate was finished, Obama stood up and helped Clinton with her chair.  Depending on your perspective, this was either a) a nice, gentlemanly thing to do; b) a calculated, sexist put-down; or c)an unscripted attempt to take charge. 

The only moment during the debate when Clinton showed real passion was on the immigration issue.  She decried a Republican bill to criminalize any attempt to help an illegal alien in passionate terms:  "That would have criminalized Jesus Christ and the Good Samaritan." 

Conclusion:  She’s really hot about helping those less fortunate, and working through the system.  She’s a true product of her church and the system.