I’m doing a week on selling and communication.  Five days, five tips.  Put all of these to work and I guarantee you improved results for virtually any kind of selling. 

To close a sale, you need to first establish two things with your customer:  credibility and trust. 

To succeed with an audience, or a customer, you need to establish credibility first and trust second.  Credibility comes first, because that’s what happens when you show that you understand the customer’s problem.  Trust comes second, because that’s what you establish when you solve that problem. 

Failing either one, your relationship with the client or customer won’t be durable.  Without credibility, you’ll find that your customer will be likely to go elsewhere in search of expertise, even if they trust you as a human being.  Do you really understand my paint color issues?  Without trust, a client will be tempted to mine you for expertise, and then go make the ultimate purchase from someone else.  Will you really follow through on the after-sale? 

How do you establish these two key aspects of a relationship?  Begin by listening to the customer’s problem.  Show that you understand it as well or better than the client does, and you’ll create credibility.  She gets that I loathe chartreuse!  Finally, someone who knows something about paint!

Then, show how you can solve that problem.  You’ll forge a strong bond of trust with that client when you take away the point of pain that sent them to the marketplace in the first place.  That shade of lavender will be perfect for the room. 

Credibility and trust.  The two key ingredients for a strong, enduring relationship with a customer.