I did an article years ago on the Ten Commandments of Public Speaking, and it’s time to update it.  Here goes:

I.  Thou shall know that a speech is for the audience, not the speaker.

II.  Thou shall not dump information on the audience; thou shall rather seek to persuade.

III. Thou shall consider the (twenty-two minute) attention span of the audience and keep it holy.

IV.  Thou shall not begin thy speech with a joke. 

V.  Thou shall remember that an invitation to speak is not a license to speak in a monotone.

VI.  Thou shall not wander the stage aimlessly but rather plant thy feet.

VII.  Thou shall not use more than one Power Point slide for every 3 minutes of talk.

VIII.  Thou shall use no more than ten words in at least 24 point type on thy Power Point slides.

IX.  Thou shall not end every declarative sentence as if it were a question, with a rising tone?

X.  Thou shall not exceed thy allotted time.