How’s Your Poker Face?
The benefits of a poker face are widely extolled in poker but also in life. Poker faces help in cards, ...
The benefits of a poker face are widely extolled in poker but also in life. Poker faces help in cards, ...
I was instructing the mid-career executives on “Persuasion and Influence” recently at Harvard’s Division of Continuing Education, and I was ...
This is the second of an occasional series on storytelling. As I headed off to college at 17, I was ...
How good are we at reading each other’s body language? This is an essential question for communication, since we convey ...
Speakers can use the emerging science of color to enhances effects during their speeches and produce stronger impressions on their ...
The first of several posts on storytelling. I’ve been writing, coaching, and teaching about storytelling for over 25 years, and ...
Two ongoing developments in neuroscience push us to realize that our lived experience of the world is not really what’s ...
If you are a keynote speaker, you may often be asked to spend the last 15 minutes or so of ...
Which is more important to you – authenticity or charisma? Do you perhaps yearn for charisma and settle for authenticity? ...
Popular depictions of body language often focus on the ability to decode lying, or scanning someone to detect defensiveness, or ...