The Speaker Persona You Need to Develop
I’ve worked for many years with speakers on developing their unique personas. What’s the exact right mix of charisma, authenticity, ...
I’ve worked for many years with speakers on developing their unique personas. What’s the exact right mix of charisma, authenticity, ...
I’ve blogged a number of times about charisma, how it’s not something you’re born with, but rather a learned skill. ...
I recently came across a study which indirectly confirmed the importance of height to public speakers. An anthropologist studied children of ...
As you’ve probably heard by now, last night Oprah Winfrey (not that she needs the last name; she’s Oprah to ...
When I work on high-stakes communications, with professional speakers, or top-level executives, I coach them to do the hard work ...
I saw a study recently that confirmed something important about how people enter a room, shake a hand in greeting, ...
Daniel Goleman’s brilliant 1995 book, Emotional Intelligence, gathered and synthesized some research about what it takes for people to get ...
Recently, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand swore during a speech at the Personal Democracy Forum at New York University. She said, “If ...
Back in the mid- or early nineties, I was videotaped for the first time, doing some media work for my ...
Back in the day when I taught public speaking at Princeton, one of the bits of bad news the students ...