What Is Hot in Keynote Speaking Right Now?
Recently, I’ve been talking to speaking biz people to ask them what’s in demand in the speaking world. Now, it’s ...
Recently, I’ve been talking to speaking biz people to ask them what’s in demand in the speaking world. Now, it’s ...
Scott and Alison Stratten have written 5 bestselling business books, they co-own UnMarketing Inc, and they co-host the UnPodcast. They ...
It’s a great pleasure to catch up with Ron Tite and learn about his new book, Think Do Say. Ron ...
Every year Toastmasters runs a contest for the best 5 – 7-minute speech in the world. Something like 30,000 people ...
I had the great pleasure of interviewing Drew Tarvin recently about his book, his work, and how he ended up ...
Once again, I’m blogging about the takeaways from the presidential nominee’s speech to (in this case) her convention on Thursday ...
Is the propensity to want to speak in public a healthy personality trait? Psychologists and my wife talk about the ...
For my last blog post of 2015, I'm inspired to update a post I did a few years back. I.Thou ...
We live in an angry age. One day the pendulum will swing back and politicians will stop accusing each other ...
This is an era of great psychological studies. Psychologists have bravely jumped in to quantify things they previously thought were ...