How to Use Your Negative Bias to Communicate Better
Your brain’s job is to keep you alive in an uncertain world filled with saber-tooth tigers, woolly mammoths, and snakes. ...
Your brain’s job is to keep you alive in an uncertain world filled with saber-tooth tigers, woolly mammoths, and snakes. ...
Some recent research on how our brains work overturns previous thinking about the mind, with implications for how we communicate ...
There’s a lot of misinformation about body language sloshing around in the information ocean that is the Internet. Perhaps the ...
A high percentage of the population is moved by music, from pop to classical, from global to Baroque. I’ve heard ...
One of the most neglected areas of potential improvement for speakers and executives who want to up their game is ...
How can you, a keynote speaker or perhaps a more humble everyday presenter, increase what your audience retains of your ...
A study I saw recently from a few years back brought into question my long-held assumption that most people find ...
Three large studies, taken together, confirm that stress ages you, optimism extends your life, and self-talk works to help you ...
We are still in the early days of understanding how our brains work. Neuroscience adds to our bank of knowledge ...
We humans smile a great deal. We smile when we’re happy; we smile when we’re sad, to disguise the feeling ...