Slow Brains and Fast Tigers
One of the mysteries of the brain is why our conscious minds are so slow. We process on the order ...
One of the mysteries of the brain is why our conscious minds are so slow. We process on the order ...
How good are we at reading each other’s body language? This is an essential question for communication, since we convey ...
There’s a good deal of nonsense written about body language. The idea most often expressed is that experts in the ...
As most of us who are old enough to vote have learned, words and body language don’t always synch up. ...
The human body is an assemblage of systems that have a surprising degree of autonomy from one another, and that ...
The story goes that when George Soros, the hedge fund bazillionaire, was still a fund manager, he would monitor his ...
Most of the research on posture and public speaking has focused on two aspects of body language that seem to ...
It’s time to start trusting your unconscious mind. Most of us get the occasional hunches, intuition, or gut feel – ...
How much do first impressions matter? A great deal, as it turns out. When we say first impressions matter, we ...
As I discussed last time, the reality is that your conscious mind is beset by essentially random directives from your ...