Book Writing Services

Publishing a book is an effective way to tell your story, build credibility and reach a global audience. Our services are client-centred and tailored to your personal needs, wherever you are in your journey.


Why Write A Book? 

You may not think of yourself as a writer, but we can help turn your ideas into a best-seller.

Our Process

We can help as much or as little as you would like with your book project, but this is how the process usually unfolds:

Book Coaching

Want to write a book but can’t find the time?

A book coach is a project manager, beta reader, and editor all rolled into one. Your coach works with you to design a schedule of regular check-ins that provides the structure and accountability you need to complete a manuscript while juggling all your other responsibilities. We’ll guide you through every step, from ideation to creating a nonfiction book proposal or manuscript, our coaches provide honest feedback  throughout the process, and edit your work when you’re ready.


How To Write and Publish a Book

Ebook only $4.95

If writing a book has been your dream, this e-book will get you started as quickly and easily as possible. All the key steps in the journey are here: why you might want to write a book, how to get started, how to get an agent, how to write the actual book, publication, and marketing once the book is written. Reading this e-book will launch you in the right direction.

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How To Write and Publish a Book

Ebook only $4.95

If writing a book has been your dream, this e-book will get you started as quickly and easily as possible. All the key steps in the journey are here: why you might want to write a book, how to get started, how to get an agent, how to write the actual book, publication, and marketing once the book is written. Reading this e-book will launch you in the right direction.

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