The Secret of a Successful VC Pitch
How do you give a successful VC pitch? A recent study suggests what determines success, and indeed what allows subjects watching VC ...
How do you give a successful VC pitch? A recent study suggests what determines success, and indeed what allows subjects watching VC ...
A good deal has been written about the increase in negative mental health indicators during the pandemic. Drug abuse, mental ...
The long-running debate on how much of our individual variation as humans is due to our genetic heritage and how ...
Thomas Kuhn, in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, argued that science proceeds in fits and starts. Scientists believe ...
When we talk about charisma anecdotally, it’s often to say something like, “I couldn’t take my eyes off him/her.” Charisma ...
What are gestures really for? When we speak, most of us wave our hands around in ways that we don’t ...
Our thoughts are unruly children, aren’t they? They go where they want, show up when they want, and distract us ...
Q and A with Debra Cancro, CEO VoiceVibes As a speaker coach, I spend a lot of time listening to ...
This post is part of a continuing, occasional series about making virtual communications better. I’ve been talking to many organizations ...
I’m getting constant questions about how to make the virtual speaking experience as good as the face-to-face. The quick answer, ...