Our Community
The Public Words Hub has your community. The place where you can go for support, honest answers, and access to some of the speaking world’s most influential people.
Our Community
The Public Words Hub has your community. The place where you can go for support, honest answers, and access to some of the speaking world’s most influential people.
The Public Words Hub
You’re the expert. You’ve got something to say. And you are taking the stage, virtually and in person, to share your passion.

The Public Words Hub has your community. The place where you can go for support, honest answers, and access to some of the speaking world’s most influential people.
Founded by Dr. Nick Morgan during the pandemic, The Hub exists to bring speakers together, connect them with the people they need to know, and give them the direct feedback they crave.
We’re opening up the Hub for a limited time for a small number of new applicants. We’re keeping the class intimate so that you benefit most powerfully from an exclusive membership, with the opportunities that provides. All that’s required is a short interview with Dr. Nick Morgan to make sure that the Hub and you are a good fit.

Here’s what you’ll get with your year’s membership:
A curated introduction to a new person in the network each month to benefit your business
Once each year an interview on #JustOneQuestion with Nick Morgan or a Q and A on Nick’s blog
Access to the Hub slack channel, where the membership answers questions, provides insights and offers access
A monthly live workshop with Dr. Nick Morgan featuring video review, speaking FAQs, guest speakers, and more
An invitation to the annual conference in person or streamed
To sign up, fill out the short survey below, schedule your interview with Dr. Nick Morgan to make sure that the Hub is right for you and you are right for the Hub, pay the annual fee*, and download the free welcome pack.
If you speak, you belong in the Hub.